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Party Hosting Tips from the Knoxville Movers

The fall season leaves plenty of reasons to celebrate, whether its hosting a football party, holiday party, or celebrating a birthday, engagement, or baby. Here at the Knoxville movers, we want to help you with a few tips for throwing a successful soiree, no matter what the occasion!

Wherever the party is actually taking place, one area that will certainly get food traffic no matter what is the kitchen. The kitchen is where we cook, congregate, mix drinks, and gather serving materials. Keep surfaces glistening and the kitchen clean as you want to make sure it remains an inviting place. Clean as you cook, and if you need help someone will have room to help you! Cleaning as you cook will also help with the overall cleaning up process, as there will be less to deal with in the aftermath of the party if you are steadily on top of it.

Around the home, go through a de-cluttering spree. Pick up toys, odds & ends, mail, and other items so that counter space and table tops are available for guests to rest their drinks, plates, and so forth. The last thing you want is people feeling like they are intruding—try to give them space to talk, relax and celebrate without feeling cramped.

Consider a specialty drink menu. Offer two or three unique drinks for the event, based on the occasion. For example, if it is a football game, stray beyond the typical keg and offer two specialty drinks, one representative of each team! Have fun with it—after all it's a party!

Lessen your burden by asking guests to bring a side item or a beverage contribution. As host/hostess, your guests should be appreciative of your space, and asking for a contribution is not tacky whatsoever!

Even if you are hosting a bunch of males watching football, fresh flowers are nice touches that give your home a fresh and lively scent, plus they are also an easy way to inject color into the room. You can coordinate flower colors to the theme of the party, or just choose what you like.

Once these decorating elements are in place, you can focus on the rest of the house. If you have carpet, you might want a basket at the front where guests can remove their shoes. Leave a magazine or two out for guests to flip through occasionally, and stock the bathroom with extra toilet paper and air freshener.

Browse a few unique recipes for light bites on sites like Pinterest, and prepare to host a party for your friends to enjoy and remember dearly.