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Keeping Your House Clean in Knoxville with Pets

Many homes these days have pets, and whether your preference is a cat, dog, or goldfish, there are specific cleaning issues you will have to consider when you have pets in the house. Pet proofing your house is not only for matter of cleanliness, but also for the safety of your pet. Pets, especially dogs, can get into items around the house that they will try to eat which can be harmful, everything from paper and garbage to carpet and shoes. This can happen with cats as well, but it is a frequent occurrence for puppies and a problem that can last for years into their lives, not just as a young puppy. Stay clean and keep pets healthy with a few tips from the animal lovers here at the Knoxville movers.

Whether you have a cat or a dog, one problem is undeniable: pet hair. On floors, furniture, and clothing, pet hair is a common nuisance that needs to be dealt with quite often. Some choose to groom their pets and keep hair closely shaven to prevent as much hair shedding, but even then there is still hair maintenance you will need to do. By giving your pet their own blanket or towel atop furniture, you can keep the hair in one place, which is a step in the right direction. Also, brushing and grooming your furry friend will cut down on stray hairs floating around the house. The Furminator is a great brush that gets the undercoat as well, and it locks hair into the brush until you release it into the garbage, preventing stray hairs from flying off as you brush. When hair is on the floor, be sure that you vacuum your home several times a week to keep the hair under control. If you have wooden floors, use an electrostatic mop to round up the fallen hairs.Hair can easily float and collect into corners, so be sure to clean the entirety of the floor.

Keep paws clean. Wetting paws before and after the dogs go out will make keeping their paws clean an easy endeavor. Be sure to dry their paws once they come back inside to prevent fungus or other problems on their important foot pads. Also, pet friendly wipes are available at more stores that carry pet food, and you can use them to wipe off feet before your furry friend comes back inside. This will help clean up any dirt or debris they might track in.

Clean stains quickly. Urine and other stains left behind by animals are best tended to sooner rather than later. Pet fluids have the ability to linger in upholstery or carpet, and they can also alter the dye in the fabrics. Clean them straight away with a clean cloth and clear dishwashing liquid watered down. Strong cleaners such as vinegar and essential oils are also good at breaking down complex pet stains.